In June, 2022, the Taxation Law Section of the State Bar of Georgia Received the Section Award of Achievement by the State Bar organization. This Award recognizes the achievements of the Section over the past year.
The Taxation Law Section Chair, Jeffrey L. Cohen stated “I am proud of the work and accomplishments of the Taxation Law Section over this trying year, and am pleased that they have received this recognition.”
During the past year, Cohen reported that the Section was busy with several initiatives. They organized a well-attended virtual seminar with a well-known GSU law professor and a local attorney dealing with recent developments in federal tax law. They continued the Georgia DOR tax bar liaison seminar via a virtual webinar. In addition, they volunteered statewide to help unrepresented people settle their U.S. Tax Court cases.
A survey was conducted that was sent to all 836 members of the Tax Section to gather information regarding their experiences with the Internal Revenue Service during the pandemic. The feedback was negative overall and was communicated through a letter to the Internal Revenue Service Commissioner in D.C. along with the detailed survey results. The Section met with the Commissioner at a reception here in Atlanta that was co-hosted with the Atlanta Bar Assn where the survey results were personally handed to him by Jeffrey Cohen..
In addition to the previously stated activities, the Section also sent participants, and two speakers, to the National Association of State Bar Tax Sections annual convention, and recently drafted a newsletter which surveyed recent tax legislation adopted by the State of Georgia.